Automated Process for Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Preprocessing
Rosemarie Day; Alexander Shoop; Adarsh Jaiswal; Jack Zhang; Xiao Du; Manasee Godsay
The Number of Non-Competitive Matches in 2026 FIFA World Cup
Traian Marius Truta
Topic Word Selection for Topics Modeled with Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Laura Kölbl; Michael Grottke
Predicting Slow HTTP DoS Attacks with Severely Imbalanced Big Data
Chad Calvert; Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar; Clifford Kemp
Investigating Maxout Activation Functions in Speech and Sound Recognition
Gabriel Castaneda; Paul Morris; Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar
Module-Order Modeling with Feature Selection
Naeem Seliya; Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar
Predicting Concussion Symptom Resolve Time in High School Athletes
Sara Landset; Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar
Application of Machine Learning for Failure Prediction in Manufacturing Process
Ivan Zajacko; Ivan Kuric; Tomas Gal
Using Hidden Markov Model to Perform Sequence Mining in Market Basket Data
Vijay Kumar Ravi; Jeremy J Blum
Methodology of Using Empirical Distributions of Binary Prediction Scores to Solve Business Optimization Problems
Andrei V. Shcheprov; Srinivas Krovvidy; Hernando A. Vera
Enhanced Underground Object Detection with Conditional Adversarial Networks
Will Rice; Maxwell Omwenga; Dalei Wu; Yu Liang
Sentiment Analysis of Women Driving in Saudi Arabia
Hanan Muhajab; Kambiz Ghazinour
Intelligent Snoring Detection Method using the Intervals of Snoring Sound
Byung Mun Lee
Deep Learning-based Scene Understanding Model for Assistive System Related to Alzheimer’s Patients
Ke Xu; Suranjan Panigrahi
Extended Coupled Probabilistic Timed Automata for Monitoring Eating Activities of Elderly Person
Hanan Nasser Muhajab
Parameter Identification of Fixtures Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Regression Analysis for Ensuring the Efficient Machining
Vitalii Ivanov; Ivan Pavlenko; Ivan Kuric; Vladyslav Andrusyshyn
Towards Parsimonious Sociology Theory Construction with Neural Embeddings and Semantic Analysis
Mingzhe Du; Zaid Alibadi; Jose M. Vidal; Barry Markovsky
Sentiment Polarity Analysis of Chinese Movie Reviews
Shilpa Balan; Jia Yangyang; Kathryn Joy Mak; Linray Song
Waterfall ranking and filtering optimization
Liang Dai; Ram Akella