Production Trees Analysis and Application to an Electrical Power System of a Data Center  
Author Walid Mokhtar Bennaceur


Co-Author(s) Leïla Kloul


Abstract In this article, we investigate the availability of a Data Center’s power system in terms of load interruption and load loss probability. The system is modeled using Production Trees, a new modeling technique that allows modeling explicitly the flows in a system. Then, to analyze the model, a new analytical approach based on the Probability Distributions of Capacity (PDC) is proposed. The results include the level of availability of a current power system configuration and a sensitivity analysis in order to evaluate the uncertainly importance measures to identify the critical parts of the system.


Keywords Production Trees, Formal models, Data Center, Availability, Sensitivity
    Article #:  RQD26-127

Proceedings of 26th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design
Virtual Event

August 5-7, 2021