Expediting Joint Innovation: Achieving Reliability Requirements for Processing Manufacturers by Latent Class Analysis  
Author Taichih Huang


Co-Author(s) Chieh Lee


Abstract Objective: To effectively differentiate competitive manufacturers. Background: This study applies relevant data to execute a manufacturer competitiveness assessment model. It also examines joint innovation with manufacturers to reduce the development period to increase end customer satisfaction and improve corporate competitiveness. Methods: This study uses objective factors and experimental items to establish a scoring table used to collect data and perform a latent class analysis (LCA). Results: Cluster analysis is conducted according to manufacturers’ objective factors and experimental data scores. After conducting an LCA, manufacturers are separated into a leading group and non-leading group. Conclusion: Based on the cluster analysis and LCA classifications, cluster analysis is incapable of effectively distinguishing whether or not a manufacturer belongs to the leading group. In contrast, the LCA assessment model established in this study can effectively distinguish members of the leading group and identify the objective factors that have no significant impact on joint innovation.


Keywords joint innovation; reliability certification; processing manufacturing; latent class analysis; leading innovation partner
    Article #:  24131
Proceedings ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design 2018
August 2-4, 2018 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada