Importance Analysis for Typical Parts of Civil Airplane Slat Considering Performance Degradation  
Author Changcong Zhou


Co-Author(s) Chenghu Tang; Fuchao Liu; Zheng Zhang


Abstract In this work, the impacts of typical parts of the civil airplane on the output response of the slat mechanism are studied by the theory of importance measure. The geometrical sizes of the roller wheels after wear are considered as inputs, and the angle the slat should turn is considered as the output response. First, the multi-body kinematic model of the slat mechanism is established by ADAMS. Then, the variance based importance measure is introduced to study the effect of roller wheels on the robustness of the slat mechanism. Comprehensive analysis of the results have shown that the importance measure theory can help engineers identify the significant parts by their contributions, thus provide guidance for mechanical design and maintenance.


Keywords importance measure, variance, roller wheels, uncertainty
    Article #:  23-011
Proceedings of the 23rd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 3-5, 2017 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.