Fuzzy Whitenization and TOPSIS Models Based System Supportability Evaluation  
Author Qin-qin Wang


Co-Author(s) Jin-mao Guo; Bo-gong Ji


Abstract In this paper, we first apply the fuzzy whitenization technique to process the qualitative requirements for generating the quantitative metrics will be dimensionless. Then the decision matrix will be derived before the TOPSIS model is applied to evaluate the supportability of the system. The feasibility of the model will be verified through an example. Through establishing different system supportability evaluation metrics in different stages, the TOPSIS model can be used in the entire life cycle of the system to evaluate the system supportability, identify the weakness, and make the improvement. This is an iterative process, which can enhance the system supportability, and thus the system performance and operational effectiveness.


Keywords supportability; supportability evaluation; TOPSIS
    Article #:  20126
Proceedings of the 20th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 7-9, 2014 - Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.