Reliability Evaluation for a Multi-Line Production System with Reworking Actions  
Author Ping-Chen Chang


Co-Author(s) Yi-Kuei Lin


Abstract This paper develops a performance evaluation procedure for a multi-line production system with different station failure rates. Considering reworking actions, we propose a graphical-based methodology to model the production system as a stochastic-flow network. First, a transformation technique is utilized to build the production system as a production network. Second, a simple algorithm integrating decomposition technique is proposed to generate the minimal capacity vectors that stations should provide to satisfy the given demand. We evaluate the probability that the production network can meet the demand in terms of the minimal capacity vectors, where the probability is referred to as the system reliability. A tile production system is utilized to demonstrate the performance evaluation procedure. A further decision making issue is discussed based on the derived system reliability.


Keywords Multi-line production system, system reliability, reworking actions, different failure rates
    Article #:  1831
Proceedings of the 18th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
July 26-28, 2012 - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.