Global Equivalent S-N Curve Exponent for a Vibrating System with Nonhomogeneous Materials  
Author Fengbin Sun


Co-Author(s) Yuvraj Naikavde


Abstract This paper targets a common challenge in mechanical vibration test design for a structural assembly with components of nonhomogeneous materials. It derives a system global equivalent S-N curve exponent for a product under both uniform and non-uniform stressing across components. An numerical example is given to illustrate the advantage of the method for reliability life test design over the traditional practice, especially for high reliability product.


Keywords Vibration, Fatigue, S-N Curve, Non-homogeneous Materials, Reliability Equivalence, Weibull Life
    Article #:  RQD2024-59

Proceedings of 29th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design
August 8-10, 2024