Inspection Policies for Social Integration Including the Acceptance of Refugees  
Author Takahito Araki


Co-Author(s) Mitsutaka Kimura; Toshio Nakagawa


Abstract Immigration and refugee acceptance have emerged as important political issues in developed countries in recent years. The rapid influx of large numbers of immigrants, particularly refugees, has led to a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment and anti-immigrant riots. This study considers large-scale riots as an indicator of potential societal breakdown, taking into account the rapid and large-scale influx of immigrants including refugees. The study applies the inspection policy model drawing on the assumption that the state of the social structure concerned (public sentiment toward immigrants) is periodically inspected, with social integration policies implemented in response to riots. As a result, the study seeks the optimal time of social structure inspections that minimizes the expected cost of these activities.


Keywords Social Integration, Inspection Policy, Social Structure, Refugees, Riot, Stochastic Model
    Article #:  RQD2024-214

Proceedings of 29th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design
August 8-10, 2024