Assessing Supply Chain Resilience with Supplier Influence Via Network Reliability  
Author Kuan-Yu Lin


Co-Author(s) Yi-Kuei Lin


Abstract With the recent impact of pandemics, conflicts, and geopolitical factors, many supply chains are facing the risk of disruption. This paper aims to intricately merge the crucial notions of supplier influence and network reliability, particularly within the context of a supply chain, where a node represents a supplier, assembler, or market, and an arc connecting the nodes represents a carrier. The capacity of each carrier, represented by the available delivery containers, should not be deterministic as they may be partially reserved by other markets. Under these conditions, such a supply chain network is regarded as a multistate supply chain network (MSC). Network reliability, the probability that the MSC can successfully deliver goods to a market, is regarded as a performance indicator for supply chain ability. Analyzing the changes in network reliability by adding suppliers, and subsequently using this as an assessment of supply chain resilience. Provide decision-makers with the ability to adjust suppliers based on differences in network reliability to maintain the stability of the supply chain.


Keywords network reliability, multistate supply chain network, supply chain resilience, supplier influence
    Article #:  RQD2024-177

Proceedings of 29th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design
August 8-10, 2024