Performance Evaluation of a Multistate Flow Network Considering Required Capacity Level and Limited Maintenance Cost  
Author Run-Hui Zhou


Co-Author(s) Yi-Feng Niu; Xiu-Zhen Xu


Abstract Many real-world networks, like logistics network, computer network, or power network, can be modelled as a multistate flow network (MFN) with performance measured by reliability analysis. The prominent feature of an MFN is that every edge has multiple possible capacity levels. Thus, maintenance becomes necessary and important to keep network at a good state. The existing studies consider restoring all edges of the network to the maximum state under the maintenance budget limit, in contrast, this study considers a more realistic scenario that the network is restored from a degraded state to the expected state with the largest network capacity level. Accordingly, the reliability R(d,D,T) of an MFN is defined as the probability that the network can be restored from a degraded state with capacity level not lower than d to the expected state with capacity level equal to D under limited maintenance cost T. Finally, a novel algorithm is developed to calculate the reliability indicator by finding all maintainable capacity vectors. Moreover, an illustration of the proposed algorithm is given through an example.


Keywords Multi-state flow network, reliability, maintenance cost; expected state
    Article #:  RQD2024-108

Proceedings of 29th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design
August 8-10, 2024