Simulation Specimen Design Method of Aeroengine Compressor Disk  
Author Wenxue Qian


Co-Author(s) Jiyao Liu; Yankai Yuan; Xiaowei Yin; Liyang Xie


Abstract A compressor disk is a key rotational component of an aero-engine. But it is too expensive to do real disk test. It is a useful method that predict the life of a compressor disk through simulated specimens. How to design a simulated specimen is an important problem. In this paper, a design criterion for the simulation of the effects of local stresses and stress gradient is proposed. A threedimensional self stress gradient path searching method of a component is designed. In order to design the compressor disk simulator, three dimensional modeling and force analysis of a compressor disk are proposed with the design criteria of the simulation. And the simulation part is fitted with the local stress state of the real specimen, so that the method is proved to be effective.


Keywords Simulation specimen; Design method; Stress gradient; Optimization design
    Article #:  23-284
Proceedings of the 23rd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 3-5, 2017 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.