All-Stage Truncated Modeling with Multiple Change-Points for Software Reliability Assessment  
Author Saki Taniguchi


Co-Author(s) Shinji Inoue; Shigeru Yamada


Abstract Software reliability growth models are known as mathematical tools for measuring, assessing, and pre- dicting software reliability quantitatively. In this pa- per, we discuss an all-stage truncated model with mul- tiple change-points by using a zero-truncated Pois- son distribution for improving the accuracy of soft- ware reliability assessment based on a software relia- bility growth model. Finally, we conduct goodness-of- fit comparisons of our model with existing models, and show the numerical examples of software reliability as- sessment based on our model by using actual data.


Keywords Software reliability assessment, software reliability growth model, multiple change-point occurrence, zero-truncated Poisson distribution.
    Article #:  21208
Proceedings of the 21st ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 6-8, 2015 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvia, U.S.A.