Lean Six Sigma Based Requirement Analysis of Quality Management for Complex Product Maintenance  
Author Hong-bing Ye


Co-Author(s) Bo-gong Ji; Qing-jun Meng


Abstract The paper introduces the meaning of Lean Six Sigma (LSS), analyzes necessity of LSS management through describing development phases and trend of quality management, expounding the view of great quality, and thoroughly analyzing the present problems of quality management for complex product maintenance from macro-level, middle-level, and micro-level. And then, analyzes feasibility of LSS management through continually LSS improving circle analysis of maintenance process for complex product. And then educes insistent demands for LSS and integrated management to the whole system just in the time of product support reform. Last, the paper gives all-around description of main quality management requirements for complex product maintenance from building both theory systems and management systems based on LSS.


Keywords Lean six sigma; Product maintenance; Quality management; Requirement
    Article #:  1943
Proceedings of the 19th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 5-7, 2013 - Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.