A Method of Arc Welding Robot Pose Precision Reliability Analysis Based on Six Parameters  
Author Jia Li


Co-Author(s) Yunnan Teng; Lei Xu; Shuai Chu; Peng Zhao; Mei Su; Xuehong He


Abstract During the development process of modern welding robot technology, an important topic is how to enhance the industry welding robot pose precision reliability. The effect factors of pose precision reliability posses the random characters, which belongs to the random variable, the pose precision should be researched from the viewpoint of probability for analyzing reliability. This paper presents a method of arc welding robot pose precision reliability analysis based on the D-H model and six parameters, the pose error matrix and Monte Carlo method for random sampling are applied in this method. The terminal pose error distribution may be obtained by using this method, and the reliability can be computed under the condition of given error boundary, it can objectively and correctly evaluate the robot pose precision reliability.


Keywords Arc welding robot ; Pose precision; D-H model; Monte Carlo; Reliability analysis
    Article #:  1873
Proceedings of the 18th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
July 26-28, 2012 - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.